3 Quick tips for dealing with the emotional ups and downs of building a business

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emotional-roller-coasterBuilding a business has caused intense emotional roller coaster rides in my life. Who would have imagined that the solution I was envisioning for getting rid of my work problems would have this dark side? I had the idea that working for myself will be my ticket out of mobbing from bosses, lack of meaning in my job or feeling forced to do things in a job that I could not careless.

Partially by starting my own business I left all those things behind, except that now the one putting all the pressure on me is ME 🙂

Let me tell you why.

I’ve always considered myself a very practical, down-to-earth, smart gal. But that’s only half of the story because I live in the body of a highly sensitive person, and that changes everthing.
I can not count the number of times in which my entreprenerial journey has put me on the verge, the many bumps in the road I’ve encountered and the emotional pain that has surfaced in me.

As the saying goes: “entrepreneurship is  not for the faint of heart” or paraphrasing my mentor Nick Williams: “Creating your own business is the biggest personal growth class you can enroll into”

There have been many times when I’ve been on the brink of throwing the towel, but yet always a tiny bit of hope has kept me going. I don’t really know what has pushed me forward but maybe I am just too stubborn to quit.

From all those dark moments one thing has always stood up for me: When you are in the middle of an emotional emergency in your business the thing you most need is SUPPORT! Specifically 3 kinds of support I’ll share with you in a moment.

But first, let me share with you the most common triggers that I’ve encountered or seen in other entrepreneurs along the years. Does any one of them sound familiar?

1) You decided upon a course of action, took some steps only to discover later that it was a “shiny object syndrome” that led you nowhere near to what you really wanted.

2) Keeping too high expectations for yourself or what your business will be able to accomplish too soon, then feeling dissapointed when you don’t get the results you were expecting to have.

3) Being too hard on yourself for the mistakes you make. Allowing thoughts like: “I should have known better”, “I must have noticed earlier” to rob you your peace of mind and heart.

4) When clients dont’t show up as quickly as you were hoping they would (and probably needing them to) or every time the flow of clients stops.

5) Not enough income while having payments due in a few days (office rent, etc)

6) Every time you learn something new and you have to admit your’ve been wrong all along!

I could go on and on.

I think for me the biggest trigger has been money. Being financially supported by my husband, while not being able to create the income I needed even though I was working my b*** off, has always been the hardest, toughest thing to deal with.

Another biggy for me has been the self doubts about working in english and showing up worldwide. Since my main language is spanish, I’ve always felt “not good enough” and “who the hell I think I am” kind of thought stopping me.

Which one of these is your biggest emotional trigger?

Charo´s coaching Tip

If you are caught in the middle of one emotional roller coaster, there are 3 basic things you’ll need to restore your peace of mind and heart.

1) Always remember that, as Michael Neill says: “You live in the feelings of your thinking”. The amount of emotional pain you are suffering is directly proportional to the amount of nasty things you are saying to yourself.
Change your inner dialogue to something more compassionate and you’ll start feeling better immediately.

2) Get support. Both on a physical and on a spiritual level.
If you’ve felt you couldn’t do it alone, You are right!
First, become a member of a mastermind group if you still aren’t. Share openly your journey with them and allow them to reflect back to you the successes you’ve had along the years.
And secondly, develop a strong connection with Spirit, nurture your heart with Remembrance or create some heart coherence inside of you.

3) Learn some kind of emotional release tool. I do tapping (hence the name of this blog) because it deals at the same time with the physical, emotional and mental causes of emotional pain.

You could start by using this tapping sequence:

-Even though I’ve been so hard on myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

-Even though I feel disappointed cause my high expectations haven’t been met, I forgive myself anyway.

-Even though I should have known better, I give myself permission to make mistakes.

Then do a few rounds of tapping using this phrase: “I release and let go all the frustrations, disappointment and sadness I feel right now”

And the most important tip: rembember to use these tips to heal your heart whenever you need it. I could never have moved through my emotional pain on my own. Fortunately I did’t have to, and you don’t either.

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4 thoughts on “3 Quick tips for dealing with the emotional ups and downs of building a business

  1. jo

    It’s always really interesting reading your blog posts. Thank you for sharing your wisdom Charo. I’m debating about setting up in business myself and quitting my day job and so it’s helpful to know the downsides of going it alone too.

    1. Charo Pinilla Post author

      Hi Jo,
      Having a clear image of what it really takes to build a business can save you a lot of struggle (and disappointment) in the long run. So I’m glad you are weighting the pros and cons, it will help you decide which path is more aligned with what you truly want in life.
      Charo X

  2. Jennifer Nangle

    Hi Charo. I have just stumbled on yoru website and it is bringing me comfort and some anxiety because you are putting words to the most difficult emotions I am going through. I am in a very painful time in my life trying to decide about my purpose and you really have brought in some understanding and light. Thank you!

    1. Charo Pinilla Post author

      Hi Jennifer, I’m really sorry you are going through such painful time in your life.

      I went through a very difficult time myself when I realized I was at the wrong career path, so I know first hand what if feels like.

      May I give you a suggestion? Take that pain as a sign that you are ready to finally discover what your life purpose is. That pain is giving you permission to go deep inside of yourself and connect with your values and dreams.

      For me what helped me the most was to learn about who I really was: my talents, strengths, etc, and also what I really cared about so much that I would love to spend my life with. It was truly life changing for me.

      I’ll post a few articles to help you know yourself a bit better. Hope that helps you get started on the quest for a more meaningful path. 🙂


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