Tag Archives: authenticity

Ethical Copywriting Tips: How to write copy with integrity and authenticity

Can we write copy with integrity and authenticity?

Words can hurt and words can heal.
And because words matter so much, folk stories have taught us exactly that.

Remember the story of Rumpelstiltskin?

Once upon a time, a greedy king asked a peasant girl to spin a bunch of straw into gold or he would kill her. In her desperation, she accepted the help of a weird-looking, little man who would do the magic for her, as long as he could keep her first-born baby.

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How to make a living when money does not motivate you

How to make a living when money does not motivate you

Money has never been the main reason I do what I do. I would continue building houses if that were the case. 

But the “Do what you love and money will follow” approach totally failed me. 

“Out of sight out of life” would be a much more accurate way to describe my situation for many years. 

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How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

How to feel more comfortable marketing your services
How to feel more comfortable marketing your services

It’s very common to feel bad about putting ourselves out there.

We know we have to spread the word about our work but we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves with the big names in our industry and end up thinking we’re not good enough as we are.

When I created this blog back in 2013, I was full of doubts, even though I had been in business for several years with another blog.
I had thoughts like:

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Brand Alignment: How to add depth and meaning to your brand

I’m sure you’ve noticed it, too. We’re exposed to so much information that we pay less and less attention to any of it.

Our brains, in order to cope with this information overload, have learned to shut down and filter everything that is irrelevant to us.

So almost everything is ignored.

The same is true for your clients, by the way. They scroll through their feeds, ignoring most of what they see and hear.

And that’s a huge problem for those of us in business, because…

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