Tag Archives: Carl Jung

Grow your business with the help of your dreams

Grow your business with the help of your dreams

Running a business involves making decisions. A lot. 

-Will it be good to participate in this giveaway?
-What product should I offer next? 

Most times deciding it’s not easy. Either we lack enough information, lack enough objectivity, or talk ourselves into something …only to regret it later.

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On emotions, service and your business (COVID-19 update)

On emotions, service and your business (COVID-19 update)

We’re getting into week number eight of our lockdown here in Madrid. 

Experts are beginning to worry about the psychological consequences of this confinement. 

So for the first time in eight weeks, adults are allowed to go for a walk… 

… as long as we keep social distancing rules, it’s shorter than an hour, and we don’t go farther than a kilometer away from our house. 

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My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

My thoughts on how to deal with this -or any- crisis (covid-19)

I’m homebound in my city, a few kilometers south of Madrid, while I write this. All of us in Spain are staying at home to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. 

The whole world is on alert, trying to stop the Covid-19 pandemic as best we can.

Most of us have never seen anything like this in our lifetimes, right?
At least not in the developed countries.

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How to understand who your ideal clients are (with the help of archetypes)

How to understand who your ideal clients are

The purpose of your business is to help people solve a certain problem. 
We agree on that, right?

The next thing you need to be crystal clear about is who you want to help. 

And you want to find it out as soon as possible, because…

  • How will you know where they gather?
  • How will you know what topics to write about that are of interest to them?
  • How will you know where to share your content?

Without knowing who you serve, trying to connect with them is all guesswork!

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How to make wiser business decisions (true to who you are)

How to make wiser business decisions

Not everyone makes decisions in the same manner. Carl Jung, the swiss psychologist, noticed people functioned in different ways. 

When faced with a choice, some people make decisions based on the facts, the logic behind the choice. While others will decide according to their personal values and what feels right to them.

These differences are based on how we prefer to use our minds. and it’s connected to our “natural mental wiring”, so to speak.

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A heart-centered way to stand out in your field (a Jungian perspective)

A heart-centered way to stand out in your field (a Jungian perspective)

I don’t know if more than ever before, but this world needs healing.

So if you do some kind of transformational work, know that your help is necessary.


We are undergoing a huge transformation, as societies and as people.

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What happens when you outgrow your business?

What happens when you outgrow your business?
What happens when you outgrow your business?

The truth is we are constantly changing. Most of the times that growth is small, so gradual we don’t even notice it.
Other times is more abrupt. We can feel the growing pains both physically and energetically, in our bones as much as in our psyche.

As a child, I used to suffer from tonsillitis a lot. I had to miss school and stay in bed, with high fever,  for a few days. Invariably, every time that happened I would come out of it a bit taller.

It’s something typical of childhood: the “growth spurt”. There was something in the fact of getting ill that allowed us not only to recover but also to physically grow.

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Top 5 Personality Tests (part 3): Myers Briggs Type Indicator

(This article is part 3 of a series about personality test for career happiness. If you haven’t read previous parts, you can find them here: Top 5 Career Personality Tests (includes links to parts 1 and 2)

The Myers Briggs is probably the most known personality test around.

Based on the works of Carl Jung, it has been widely used among career coaches over the years.

But it is much more than just a career tool, as you’re about to discover.

Have you ever tried to discover if you are an Continue reading