Tag Archives: differentiation

George Kao interviews Charo about Personal Branding

Do you feel invisible and like no one is paying attention to your content?
In this video, Personal Branding Coach Charo Pinilla will show you how to get noticed by people who value your work, in a way that is authentic, in integrity and with heart.

In this interview, we discuss…
* Why it’s important to stand out and differentiate in today’s online world.
* How your personality type influences how you talk about your work
* Why people might be ignoring your content even if it’s in front of their eyes.
* 3 tips on how to make your content more attention-worthy, healing, and authentic.

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How to make wiser business decisions (true to who you are)

How to make wiser business decisions

Not everyone makes decisions in the same manner. Carl Jung, the swiss psychologist, noticed people functioned in different ways. 

When faced with a choice, some people make decisions based on the facts, the logic behind the choice. While others will decide according to their personal values and what feels right to them.

These differences are based on how we prefer to use our minds. and it’s connected to our “natural mental wiring”, so to speak.

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How to increase the visibility of your business (in a way that feels good)

How to increase the visibility of your biz

What do Harry Potter, H. G. Wells, and your business have in common?

Harry Potter had an invisibility cloak, H. G. Wells wrote a book about an invisible man, and we can feel invisible in our business after creating a ton of content that no one pays attention to.

The reason?

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Branding 101: Which flavor would your brand be?

Branding 101: Which flavor would your brand be?

There are some weird questions that branding professionals make.
Questions that might seem useless -or even a bit nuts- until you get the gist of what they are trying to unveil.

Don’t try to answer them from your logical brain. They are designed to connect with a deeper, primordial part of yourself. We could even say that they are trying to speak to your soul.

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