Tag Archives: expert positioning

Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

Be known as an expert by niching down (on a topic you love)

When you have lots of interests, It seems impossible to focus on just one thing. Multi-passionate people are in a never-ending quest for growth and learning.

We are very curious -yep, that’s also me- so we keep adding more and more techniques to our toolbox, right?

So when we finally take our business seriously,  like in “ -Hey, Now I really need to make money with this”, one of the first pieces of advice we encounter is to niche down. 

And it sounds sooooo restrictive!

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Branding 101: What do you want to be known for?

Branding: 101 What do you want to be known for?

Have you ever had all friends recommending you the same book?

“Oh, you should read this book. It’s about building a cathedral”. -my brother told me.

A few days later while having coffee with a friend, she said: “I was reading this book and you kept coming to mind. You need to read it!”.

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What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)

What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)
What is a signature system? (And why should you care?)

I can only say good things about having your own proprietary process, or signature solution as I like to call it.

It changed my life.

I created my first signature process (my F.A.C.I.L. Career Change system) back in 2009 while attending “Purposeful Branding Secrets” with Marcia Bench. It was my very first encounter with the idea of a signature system.

And it made such a difference!

But what is exactly a signature system? And more importantly, why should you care?

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How to overcome your lack of confidence (and become an expert in your field)

This may come out as a surprise to you, but way too many coaches and healers who are great at what they do, secretly fear they are not good enough.

“ Who am I do this?” -they wonder.

They get credential after credential, go from class to class and yet, they never feel like they are ready to do the work they do.

And that keeps them from taking the actions that would make them Continue reading