Tag Archives: personality types

Are you an Introvert or an Extravert?

I was in a coaching session the other day and found myself explaining the differences between introverts and extraverts.

How can you know for sure if you are an introvert or an extravert?

Yes, it’s true. There are those online tests everywhere, but most aren’t accurate and really don’t know what they are doing.

They are more confusing than helpful, honestly…

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How to make wiser business decisions (true to who you are)

How to make wiser business decisions

Not everyone makes decisions in the same manner. Carl Jung, the swiss psychologist, noticed people functioned in different ways. 

When faced with a choice, some people make decisions based on the facts, the logic behind the choice. While others will decide according to their personal values and what feels right to them.

These differences are based on how we prefer to use our minds. and it’s connected to our “natural mental wiring”, so to speak.

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Brand Alignment Q&A: Are my clients exactly like me?


After attending one of my Stand Out by Being You workshops, a participant sent me this comment:
“I believe I do my best work with clients who are not at all like me. But when you talked about archetypes in your course, I understood you said that our best clients are those who are like us.”

This article is my answer to the question: Are my clients exactly like me? Continue reading

How to overcome your lack of confidence (and become an expert in your field)

This may come out as a surprise to you, but way too many coaches and healers who are great at what they do, secretly fear they are not good enough.

“ Who am I do this?” -they wonder.

They get credential after credential, go from class to class and yet, they never feel like they are ready to do the work they do.

And that keeps them from taking the actions that would make them Continue reading

Know yourself: What are INFPs and ENFPs the best at?

Understanding ourselves is a key element of choosing the perfect career or building the business that is right for you.

One of the most common tools used to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves it’s called the Myers Briggs Type Indicator.

Based on Carl Jung’s theories, this framework shows us that there are 16 different types of people, depending on how they prefer to make decisions and gather information.

Of course, each individual is unique, but these 16 groups are helpful in guiding us discover how we prefer to use our minds.

And relative to your career or business path, it can point towards where your biggest contribution may lay.

This article is inspired by a question that Julia Barnickle Continue reading