Tag Archives: your passion

What if you can’t find your passion?

I’ve discovered an interesting fact after years of helping others find their contribution: Not everyone can relate to the idea of having a passion.

And it’s not because they aren’t interested in living with a higher sense of joy and aliveness.
It’s mostly because we use different words to describe our experiences…
…and words, at times, can be an obstacle.

That reminds me of my first Continue reading

Career Change 101: The 3 Basic Pillars to a fulfilling and financially viable career

 pillars career changeAs a coach, I’ve become a bit obsessed with finding the perfect questions.

Questions are powerful tools since they help our minds to focus. And when we focus, inspiring ideas and powerful insights can come to us that have the potential to change our lives for the better.
That’s the beauty of coaching.

But at times, questions seem to “find” me.

Recently, a friend asked me this:
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Career Change: How to avoid making a career change mistake, again!

How to avoid making a career changeFor those of us changing careers in midlife, choosing our next career path feels like we are making the ULTIMATE decision.

We are well aware of the time, effort and money we devoted in our younger years to become an expert on the field that is no longer fulfilling for us.

So if you ask me, “Is there anything worst than staying in a meaningless job?”

I’d say: Continue reading

Career Change: The 3 step process for a peaceful career change

peaceful career changeInner peace is one of my most cherished values. Maybe because I feel things too much, I’m all about doing things with the least amount of emotional pain as possible.

But when it comes to making a career change, you know as well as I do, we are up for an emotional roller coaster. So what can we do?

In my experience as a career coach, and simplifying things a bit, I’ve noticed that there are 3 steps than, when followed sequentially, ease away lots of our career change fears.

And interestingly enough, Continue reading